Browse through these pictorial tributes to one of the greatest actors of all time,
seen through the eyes of some of the most gifted artists in the world.

Click on the chain link icon at the lower right hand corner
to view more work by each artist

Mark Owen
Mark Owen
I was born and still live on the island city of Portsmouth, England. I studied at the Portsmouth College of Art & F.E. in the early 1980’s. In the 1990’s, I exhibited watercolour paintings for several one-man shows, specialising in landscapes, seascapes and animals. It is only in the last few years that I decided to take up portraiture and combined it with my love for vintage horror, sci-fi films and everything featuring Boris Karloff. I put aside the travelling watercolour painting set and taught myself to draw with marker pens and paint with acrylics. My most important project to date was creating the cover art for the Night of the Living Dead digitally remastered CD soundtrack “They Won’t Stay Dead. My artwork can be followed at: email:  

ZitaBorisCHFB wurd4 wurd3 wurd1 WDEADBig1 TheBlackCat1s son 4 raven Poelzig2 morgan3 manwhochangedhismind1 IsleOfTheDead1s imho2 Frankenstein1 frankencloseup1 frank5 FE3C FDFB close-upAB cabmanBig boriscrop Borisbride1 bate3 Ardath6Return

Dean Ormston
Dean Ormston
Dean Ormston is professional artist based in the U.K artist known mainly for his dark expressive work in comics for companies such as D.C COMICS, DARK HORSE, 2000AD Reviews of his art include 'it's hard to describe why Ormston's art always looks slightly creepy; maybe it's his skilful use of shadow, or an innate sense to make everything just a little off-kilter' and 'Ormston can make a sunny day in flower filled meadow seem unsettling and filled with menace' His art style was shaped through a childhood spent watching classic horror movies and reading Famous Monsters which also led to him becoming a huge Boris Karloff fan. Here are a few painted sketches, done in preparation for a series of oil paintings. Dean can be contacted at [gallery columns="2" link="file" ids="1246,1247,1248,1249"]


Erin O'Brien
Erin O'Brien
Erin O'Brien was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada. She is a self taught 24 year old artist,and is currently busy doing private portrait commissions, and other types of artwork. She enjoys a career as a tattooist and owns her own tattoo business. She believes she gained great insight into the art world when she began tattooing, honing a personal style which offers her clients a unique and original work of art. She prefers learning "her own way." She enjoys doing portraits of horror movie stars, but maintains a broad spectrum of subjects to draw and paint, working with a wide variety of mediums, prefering to never stop learning and changing. Contact information:

Otis MrKarloff ChoptopReturn


Please Note: All artwork in this gallery is the copyrighted property of the individual artist
and may not be copied without the prior written permission of the artist.

A  Ba-Bh  Bi-Bz C  D-E  F-G  Ha-Hi  Hj-Hz  J-K  L  N O  P-R  Sa-Sh  Si-Sz  T-V  W-Z
