Browse through these pictorial tributes to one of the greatest actors of all time,
seen through the eyes of some of the most gifted artists in the world.

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to view more work by each artist

William Max Miller
William Max Miller
William Max Miller is a Pittsburgh-based horror/fantasy artist and a familiar fez-capped fellow at the Monster Bash Classic Monster Movie Convention. His interest in art began as a child, and his early drawings of Boris Karloff as Imhotep and the Frankenstein Monster earned him the nick-name "Chilly Billy" (in honor of the famous host of Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater.) Mr. Miller began to experiment with computer-generated artwork in 1999, and most of his pieces deal with the more sinister side of life. He is the designer of Les Galeries De Marquis Gothique, which may be viewed at
    By day, Mr. Miller is a practicing psychotherapist who often uses classic horror films to help clients explore their unconscious minds. He currently lives in McKeesport, PA, with his son Max, his dog Baby, and his ever-hungry pirhana fish Rancor. He may be reached at

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Rick "Spine" Mountfort
Rick "Spine" Mountfort
Rick Mountfort works under the name Spine. Originally from the D.C. area, he now lives in the Blue  Ridge Mountains. He began working as an illustrator in 1979, producing horror art for music newspapers, fanzines, and record jackets. In 1996 he became a regular contributor to Scary Monsters magazine, The New Castle of Frankenstein, The new Journal of Frankenstein,and World of Fandom. His published work includes more than two hundred monster portraits, depicting some of Hollywood's creepiest stars. In 2000, Spine was chosen to produce all the covers and interior illustrations for the New Adventures of Frankenstein, an eleven-book series written by legendary horror/sci-fi author Don Glut. Spine says, "I still have drawings I did in 1962 of Frankenstein, when I was four years old. I must have understood something of the pain and sadness of the monster even then, because I frequently drew him with a tear in his eye. Forty-five years later, Frankenstein is still my favorite character, and for me Boris Karloff will always be the actor who made him real." Save0003 Save0002 Save0001


Bob Mayberry
Bob Mayberry
  I live and was born in Canton, Ohio. I just graduated from GlenOak High School. I went to Pleasant View School for the Arts from fourth to eighth grade. "American Visgothic" was done in Crayola Super Tip marker and is a parody of the famous painting "American Gothic". The others were created with Sanford Sharpie permanent markers, and were drawn in a Mead Academie Sketch Diary. So far, they belong to a series of marker movie monster drawings which currently contains 30 pictures and counting.   Boris Karloff is my favorite actor, and has been ever since my dad bought me the 60th Anniversary Dracula/Frankenstein VHS package when I was in second grade. That copy of "Frankenstein" quickly became worn out from being watched just about everyday-and sometimes twice a day. Throughout the years, I would contantly try to capture Boris Karloff's essence as the Frankenstein Monster on paper, and with nearly every try at drawing him from memory, my artistry reached a newer level.   Even when I took Drama while at PVSA & at GlenOak, I tried my best to imitate his flawless realistic style of acting. His great portrayal of the monster even helped to peak my interest in Biogenetics and science fiction.   frankensteinIm Ho Tep-Boris Karloff2   American Visgothic by Bob Mayberryfrankenstein-snarling frankenstein-karloff

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Jim McDermott
Jim McDermott
Jim McDermott has been a freelance artist living in New Hampshire for the last 20 years. A graduate of the New England School of Art & Design, Jim's creative talents have been utlized by advertising agencies, animation houses and publishers, in everything from comic books, T-shirts and package designs to illustrations for magazines, catalogs, brochures and children’s books. Jim's clients have included Wang, Goldenbooks, IBM Computer, Apple Computer, Fidelity Investments, Fruit of the Loom, Gregg Press, Video Games and Computer Entertainment, Delta Dental, and Heavy Metal

Contact Information: Phone: (603) 436-5473 Email:

Illustration by McDermott website:

young karloff karloff2 karloff_sm igor frank Copy of Karloff Boris Frankenstein brideoffrankenstien2 boris222 boris101 boris100 boris2_sm b&w_kar_smReturn

Avik Kumar Maitra
Avik Kumar Maitra
My name is Avik Kumar Maitra. I was born in 1978, in Calcutta, India. I am currently a professional comics artist / illustrator / graphic designer based in Delhi, India. My hobbies are reading, watching movies and taking long walks in different cities. I can be reached at [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="1605,1604,1181,1209"]


Please Note: All artwork in this gallery is the copyrighted property of the individual artist
and may not be copied without the prior written permission of the artist.

A  Ba-Bh  Bi-Bz C  D-E  F-G  Ha-Hi  Hj-Hz  J-K  L  N O  P-R  Sa-Sh  Si-Sz  T-V  W-Z
